Final exam: December 19, 2018
Our final exam in Math 22A takes place on Wednesday 12/19/2018 at 9:00 AM
in Hall E.
We have had a final review on Tuesday, December 11, 2018, the last day of reading
period at 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM in Hall A.
Here is the practice exam and the review mock exam. They have the same structure than the actual exam. Refrain from looking at the solutions before attempting a problem.
The exam picture: click to get a larger version.
Second hourly: November 6, 2018
We had an 1 hour review on Sunday, November 4 at 7 PM in Hall E.
During that review, we worked through a second practice exam.
The second midterm exam took place on November 6 in Hall E again,
from 9-10:15 AM.
First hourly: October 2, 2018
The first hourly took place during the regular class time, but in
lecture hall E. We had an 1 hour review on Sunday, September 30 at
7 PM in Hall E. We strictly follow the rules of the
Harvard honor code.
The actual exam will have the same form but of course have completely new questions.
During the review, we will work all together on a second practice exam.
We will solve and discuss it together live on Sunday during the allocated hour.