About Math 22a
This course covers multivariable calculus and linear
algebra for students interested in theoretical sciences (applied or pure
math, computer science, physics, mathematical biology, statistics, or
more mathematical economics.)
The course starts a bit steep but it will allow us to cruise a bit higher
and use the power of linear algebra to get more insight. (Linear algebra is
the jet stream which allows us to travel easier).
- 22 covers essentially the same topics as Math 21 but with slightly more rigor.
- 22 has the same workload and credit than Math 21.
- 22 is a single class lecture course.
- 22 has linear algebra and calculus more interlinked.
- 22 features a gentle introduction to proofs and mathematical reasoning.
- 22 solves the ``catch 22 problem" that more advanced math courses need proof experience.
- Syllabus (PDF)
- Lesson plan (PDF)
- Why do you want to learn vector analysis and linear
algebra after all? See it in 30 seconds each: