Math E-320: Fall 2017
Teaching Math with a Historical Perspective
Mathematics E-320: Fall 2017
Instructor: Oliver Knill
Office: SciCtr 432

This is an old archived website. The course is taught again in Spring 2021.

Lecture 13: Computer Science

Lecture 12: Dynamics

Lecture 11: Cryptology

Lecture 10: Analysis

Lecture 9: Topology

Lecture 8: Probability theory

Lecture 7: Set theory

Lecture 6: Calculus

Lecture 5: Algebra

Lecture 4: Number Theory

Lecture 3: Geometry

Lecture 2: Arithmetic

Lecture 1: Mathematics

Trailer: Syllabus

Please send questions and comments to
Math E320| Oliver Knill | Fall 2017 | Canvas page | Extension School | Harvard University