Illustrating Infinity
- (Harvard, 2019--present)
Koebe 1/4
- (Video Channel)
Billiards and the arithmetic of non-arithmetic groups
- (Princeton, 2024)
TEDx Interview 2024
Billiards and number theory
- (Luminy, 2023);
Low-dimensional mathematics
- (MSRI, 2023)
Work of Sullivan in Topology and Dynamics
- (MSRI 2022)
Negatively curved crystals
- (Frontiers of Science, Utah, 2021)
Art and Math Panel
- (ICERM 2019)
A Skeptical History of Numbers
- (Harvard 2019);
Mathematics as Metaphor
- (Stanford 2018)
Billiards, quadrilaterals and moduli spaces
- (Grenoble 2018)
Entropy, algebraic integers and moduli of surfaces
- (IAS 2016)
Coupled rotations and snow falling on cedars
- (Luminy 2015)
Laudation for Mirzakhani
- (ICM Seoul 2014)
Perspectives on Thurston's last theorem
- (Cornell 2014)
Abel Lecture on Milnor's work
- (Oslo 2011)
The evolution of geometric structures on 3-manifolds
- (Paris 2010);
Billiards and Teichmueller theory
- (Harvard, 2009)
Algebraic dynamics
- (Harvard, 2007)
The Geometry of 3-Manifolds
(Harvard, 2006)
- (Stockholm, 2003)
Antonyms (Jeopardy, 13 Oct 2015)
Mosaique spherique
Backgammon Ends
Interviews, 1999
and 2015
Rope Trick
The Math Moth: 1,099
those that from a long way off
look like flies
[His] curiosity was desultory; it drew him towards
isolated marvels rather than general laws. --Holt
Not having achieved what they desired, they
pretended to desire what they had achieved. --M. Montel
Selected Lectures
2023 MSRI 40th Anniversary
- Low-dimensional mathematics
2022 Schloss Elmau
- Algebraic curves and complex dynamics
2020 BiSTRO
- Billiards, heights and modular symbols
2019 Mathematical Illustration, ICERM
- Illustrating Infinity
2018 Coxeter Lectures III, Toronto
- Billiards and the arithmetic of non-arithmetic groups
2018 Dynamical numbers, Bonn
- Rigidity of planes in hyperbolic 3-manifolds
2017 No Boundaries, Chicago
- Solving polynomials: Braids, rigidity and dynamics
2017 Yoccoz Memorial Conference, Paris
- Billiards, quadrilaterals and moduli spaces
2016 Holomorphic Dynamics, Cancun
- Surfaces in the space of surfaces
2015 Fefferman Lecture, Chicago
- A Skeptical History of Numbers
2014 ICM Seoul
- The Mathematical Work of Maryam Mirzakhani
2014 Thurston Legacy
- Dynamics and algebraic integers: Perspectives on Thurston's last theorem
2014 Stonybrook
- Billiards and curves in moduli space
2013 Heidelberg
- Billiards and Moduli Spaces (review)
2013 ICERM
- The Gauss-Bonnet theorem for cone manifolds and volumes of moduli spaces
2013 Pecha Kucha, Harvard
- A Handful of Metaphors
2012 Thin Groups, MSRI
- Dynamics of Units and Packing Constants of Ideals
2011 Sullivan conference, SUNY
Algebraic patterns for dynamical systems
2011 Abel Lecture, Oslo
The work of John Milnor: Manifolds, topology and dynamics
2011 JDG Lecture
Dynamics on Riemann Surfaces and Geometry of Moduli Space
2010 IAS Lecture
Entropy, algebraic integers and moduli of surfaces
2009 MPI - Reimar Lüst Lecture
From Platonic Solids to Quantum Topology
2008 IHP - Douady Memorial
1/7, 2/7, 4/7
2008 AAAS Boston
The Geometry of 3-Manifolds
2008 Ziwet Lectures, Ann Arbor, MI.
Dynamics and moduli spaces
2005 Hopf Vorlesung, Zürich
Algebraic Dynamics / Topology of numbers
2003 Namboodiri Lectures, Chicago
Dynamics and algebraic surfaces
2002 AMS Ross Lecture, Boston
From triangles to infinity
AMS Colloquium Lectures, Washington, DC.
Riemann surfaces in dynamics, topology and arithmetic