We still wait on enrollment numbers to make final hirings. Please email Oliver if your plans should
have changed. We have overbooked in some cases and might have to add more in others.
Click on the following picture to see it larger or the PDF.
On Tuesday, September 03, 2024: Orientation at 8 AM in ScienceCtr E
22a Philip Wood pmwood@m MWF 12:00-1:15
Nicholas Lopez nicholaslopez@college.harvard.edu *
Kathleene Ho kho@college.harvard.edu *
Alessandro Drake adrake@college.harvard.edu *
Joshua Zhang joshua_zhang@college.harvard.edu *
Zak Adams zakadams@college.harvard.edu *
Stephanie Chen stephanie_chen@college.harvard.edu *
Angelina Wong angie_wong@college.harvard.edu *
Layla Dawit ldawit@college.harvard.edu *
Joel Kizito joelkizito@college.harvard.edu *
Grace Yang graceyang@college.harvard.edu *
Victor SecoRoopnariaine victorsecoroopnaraine@college *
Elizabeth Zheng lizzheng@college.harvard.edu *
Sophia Si ssi.harvard.edu *
Yedith Ortiz Iturbide yortiziturbide@college *
Andrew Palacci andrewpalacci.harvard.edu *
Yujean Shin yujeanshin@college.harvard.edu *
25a John Cain jcain2@m MWF 9-10:15
Bright Liu brightliu@college.harvard.edu *
Antony Rodriguez-Miran arodriguezmiranda@college.harvard.edu *
Ethan Wang etwang@college.harvard.edu *
Kieran Chun kieranchung@college.harvard.edu *
Ely Hahami elyhahami@college.harvard.edu *
55a Denis Auroux auroux@m MWF 10:30-11:45
Jinho Park jinhopark@college.harvard.edu *
Cyrus Hamlin chamlin@college.harvard.edu *
Rohan Nambiar rohan_nambiar@college.harvard.edu *
Sophie Zhu sophiezhu@college.harvard.edu *
Stella Li stellali@college.harvard.edu *
Enrico Yao-Bate enricoyaobate@college.harvard.edu *
Jacob Paltrowitz jacobpaltrowitz@college.harvard.edu *
Madeleine de Belloy mdebelloy@college.harvard.edu *
Halyna Bowey hbowley@college.harvard.edu *
Alvan Arulandu aarulandu@college.harvard.edu *
Stephen Yang syang1@college.harvard.edu *
101 Laura DeMarco demarco@math TTh 12-1:15 PM
Quinn Brussel quinnbrussel@college.harvard.edu
Autumn Shin autumnshin@college.harvard.edu *
Peter Luo pluo@college.harvard.edu *
Gili Zaid gilizaid@college.harvard.edu *
Hugo Nunez hugonunez@college.harvard.edu *
Martin Dimitrov martin_dimitrov@college.harvard.edu *
110 Paul Bamberg bamberg@tiac.net MW 10:30-11:45 AM
112 Max Weinreich mweinreich@m TTh 01:30-02:45 PM was 8
Knut VanderBush kvanderbush@college.harvard.edu *
Daniel Sheremeta danielsheremeta@college.harvard.edu *
Karen Song karensong@college.harvard.edu *
JayJeQin Chooi jeqin_chooi@college.harvard.edu *
Peter Chon peterchon@college.harvard.edu *
Ezra Kizito ezrakizito@college.harvard.edu *
Lauren Teichholtz laurenteichholtz@college.harvard.edu *
114 Kevin Yang kevinyang@m TTh 09:00 - 10:15 AM
Calvin Osborne cosborne@college.harvard.edu *
Kevin Cong kcong@college.harvard.edu *
Easton Singer esinger@college.harvard.edu *
Jarell Cheong Wen jarellcheong@college.harvard.edu *
Tanav Choudhary tanavchoudhary@college.harvard.edu *
Mathew Tan matthew.scott.tan@college.harvard.edu *
Marcello Laurel marcellolaurel@college.harvard.edu *
Sasha Berger sashaberger@college.harvard.edu *
116 Paul Bamberg bamberg@tiac.net F 12-02:45 PM
Shuheng Zhang shuhengzhang@college.harvard.edu
Henry Weiland henryweiland@college.harvard.edu
122 Joe Harris harris@m TTh 10:30-11:45 AM
Eric Shen ericshen1@college.harvard.edu *
Tyler Chamberlain tchamberlain@college.harvard.edu *
Emma Cardwell ecardwell@college.harvard.edu *
Benjamin Walter bwalter@college.harvard.edu *
Lucy Vuong lucyvuong@college.harvard.edu *
Adi Raj araj@college.harvard.edu *
Wonja Suh wonjaesuh@college.harvard.edu *
Nuriel Vera-DeGraff nurielveradegraff@college.harvard.edu *
Maya Robinson mayarobinson@college.harvard.edu *
David Ettel davidettel@college.harvard.edu *
124 Mark Kisin kisin@m MF 12:00-01:15 PM
Eric Tang etang@college.harvard.edu *
Danai Avdela danai_avdela@college.harvard.edu *
Harry Shen hxshen@college.harvard.edu *
131 Andrew Senger senger@m TTh 12:00-01:15 PM
Alex Karbowski akarbowski@college.harvard.edu *
Amy Feng afeng@college.harvard.edu *
Adelina Andrei adelina_andrei@college.harvard.edu *
Maia Walzer maiawalzer@college.harvard.edu *
Carl Scandelius carlscandelius@college.harvard.edu *
136 Oliver Knill knill@m MW 3-4:15 PM
Ellie Wiesler ewiesler@college.harvard.edu *
Nickolas Ellison nwellison@college.harvard.edu *
Joshua Rooney joshuarooney@college.harvard.edu *
Duy Thuc Nguyen duythucnguyen@college.harvard.edu *
141a Alejandro Ruzafa alejandro@cmsa.fas TTh 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Ava Zinman avazinman@college.harvard.edu *
Preston Bushnell pbushnell@college.harvard.edu *
152 Paul Bamberg bamberg@tiac.net MW 01:30-02:45 PM
Regina Lin reginalin.harvard.edu *
155r Houcine Ben Dali bendali@m MF 09:00-10:15 AM
Trace Baxley tbaxley@college.harvard.edu *
213a Yum-Tong Siu siu@m TTh 12:00-01:15 PM
Jit Wu Yap jyap@m *
221 Yuriy Drozd drozd@m TTh 10:30 AM-11:45 AM
Ari Krishna akrishna@c
223 Noam Elkies elkies@m MW 10:30-11:45 AM
Daniel Hu danielhu@m
230a Dan Freed dafr@m MW 01:30-02:45 PM
Jiakay Li jiakaili@m
Claire Dai xdai@m
Nico Miller nicomiller@c
231a Fan Ye fanye@m MW 12:00 -01:15 PM
Greg Wong gregwong@c
232A MingHao Quek mhquek@m MW 03:00-04:15 PM
Daishi Kiyohara dkiyohara@m
261a Michael Hopkins mjh@m Th 3:00 PM - 5:45 PM
265 Mihnea Popa mpopa@m MW 12:00 - 01:15 PM
Rosie Shen wshen@m *
266 Thomas Brazelton brazelton@m TTh 1030 AM -11:45 AM
267Z Colin Defant defant@ TTh 12:00 PM -01:15 PM
Eliot Hodges eliothodges@college.harvard.edu *
Ilaria Seidel iseidel@college.harvard.edu
Math 268A David Hamann hamann@m TTh 10:30 AMA -11:45 AM
Math 297X Austin Connor aconner@m TTh 09:00 -10:15 AM
You need a valid
I-9 form on file with the University to begin working.
Your I9 form must be completed/active in the system!
Contact Larissa or Diana in the math department if you need more information about the I-9 form.
CAs must have an updated MA, New England (Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont) or NY
home address in the system (use Harvard address).
For rooms or room changes, email Oliver who will book a room for you with
room book.
A note about Teaching Fellow 1 assignments for upperlevel courses (GCA allocations):
the assignment is approved by the OUE only when there is sufficient enrollment (targeted size-15 students)
For this position: the TF needs to come to class, help with grading assignments (maybe write solutions),
hold office hours and/or section, provide feedback to the instructor on the progress of the class, post
some things on the course webpage. GCA positions which are scheduled to do only grading
(hourly job, no classroom time) will be hired as hourly teaching fellows.
Organizations and groups
Here is a list of the websites to the organizations mentioned in the orientation workshop: