Let Oliver know if your plans change.
Here are the courses. Click on the picture to see it larger
or see the PDF
MATH 55B Studies in Real and Complex Analysis Auroux, Denis
Jinho Park jinhopark.harvard.edu
Rohan Nambiar rohan_nambiar.harvard.edu
Stella Li stellali.harvard.edu
Halyna Bowey hbowley.harvard.edu
Madeleine de Belloy mdebelloy.harvard.edu
Jacob Paltrowitz jacobpaltrowitz.harvard.edu
Stephen Yang syang1.harvard.edu
Cyrus Hamlin chamlin.harvard.edu
Sophie Zhu sophiezhu.harvard.edu
Alvan Arulandu aarulandu.harvard.edu
Diego Gonzalez Gauss dlgonzalezgauss.harvard.edu
MATH 25B Theoretical Linear Algebra and Analysis Cain,John
Kieran Chun kieranchung.harvard.edu
Antony Rodriguez-Miran arodriguezmiranda.harvard.edu
Ethan Wang etwang.harvard.edu
MATH 22B Vector Calculus and Linear Algebra Wood,Philip Matchett
Nicholas Lopez nicholaslopez.harvard.edu
Kathleene Ho kho.harvard.edu
Layla Dawit ldawit.harvard.edu
Sophia Si ssi.harvard.edu
Yedith OrtizIturbide yortiziturbide.harvard.edu
Angelina Wong angie_wong.harvard.edu
Grace Yang graceyang.harvard.edu
Yujean Shin yujeanshin.harvard.edu
Rosa Wu rosawu.harvard.edu
Jaqcqueline Liu jacquelineliu.harvard.edu
Joshua Zhang joshua_zhang.harvard.edu
Joel Kizito joelkizito.harvard.edu
MATH 113 Complex Analysis MATH 113 Harris,Joseph
Tyler Chamberlain tchamberlain.harvard.edu
Ilaria Seidel iseidel.harvard.edu
Ari Krishna akrishna.harvard.edu
Quinn Brussel quinnbrussel.harvard.edu
Carl Scandelius carlscandelius.harvard.edu
Adi Raj araj.harvard.edu
Daniel Sheremeta danielsheremeta.harvard.edu
Alex Karbowski akarbowski.harvard.edu
Maia Walzer maiawalzer.harvard.edu
Eon Lim ilim.harvard.edu
Max Neal maxneal.harvard.edu
MATH 101 Sets, Groups and Geometry MATH 101 Brazelton,Thomas
Zachary Buller zacharybuller.harvard.edu
Luke Zhu lukezhu.harvard.edu
Victor SecoRoopnar victorsecoroopnaraine
Peter Chon peterchon.harvard.edu
Christian Chiu christianchiu.harvard.edu
Nuriel Vera-De Graff nurielveradegraff.harvard.edu
MATH 112 Introductory Real Analysis MATH 112 Park,Sunghyuk
Gili Zaid gilizaid.harvard.edu
Maya Robinson mayarobinson.harvard.edu
Karen Song karensong.harvard.edu
Marcello Laurel marcellolaurel.harvard.edu
Trace Baxley tbaxley.harvard.edu
MATH 117 Probability and Random Process MATH 117 Bamberg,Paul
Rishabh Ghosh gghosh.harvard.edu
Jinyang Li jinli.harvard.edu
MATH 118R Dynamical Systems MATH 118R Weinreich,Max
Harry Shen hxshen.harvard.edu
Ezra Kizito ezrakizito.harvard.edu
Jayanti Leslie-Iyer jleslieiyer.harvard.edu
Raymond Jiang raymondjiang.harvard.edu
MATH 121 Linear Algebra MATH 121 Martin,Gage
Ellie Wiesler ewiesler.harvard.edu
Tatum Mueller tatummueller.harvard.edu
Je Qin Chooi jeqin_chooi.harvard.edu
MATH 122 Algebra I MATH 122 Hopkins,Michael
Neil Sha nshah.harvard.edu
Eric Tang etang.harvard.edu
Adelina Andrei adelina_andrei.harvard.edu
Bright Liu brightliu.harvard.edu
Ipek Erylmaz eeryilmaz.harvard.edu
MATH 123 Algebra II MATH 123 Gammage,Benjamin
Emma Cardwell ecardwell.harvard.edu
Benjamin Walter bwalter.harvard.edu
Easton Singer esinger.harvard.edu
Preston Bushnell pbushnell.harvard.edu
MATH 129 Number Theory Kisin, Mark
Enrico Yao-Bate enricoyaobate.harvard.edu
Evan Tsingos evantsingos.harvard.edu
MATH 130 Classical Geometry MATH 130 Kapiamba,Alex
Martin Dimitrov martin_dimitrov.harvard.edu
Sebastian Song ssong.harvard.edu
MATH 132 Differential Topology MATH 132 Ballinger,William
David Ettel davidettel.harvard.edu
Sasha Berger sashaberger.harvard.edu
Ruy Zhe Lee rlee.harvard.edu
Eric Shen ericshen1.harvard.edu
MATH 137 Algebraic Geometry MATH 137 Popa,Mihnea
Eliot Hodges eliothodges.harvard.edu
Jarell Cheong Wen jarellcheong.harvard.edu
Wonjae Suh wonjaesuh.harvard.edu
Jessica Zhang jjzhang.harvard.edu
MATH 145B Set Theory II MATH 145B Poveda Ruzafa,Alejandro
Selorm Yao Ohene selormohene.harvard.edu
MATH 154 Probability Theory MATH 154 Knill,Oliver R.
Matthew Tan matthew.scott.tan.harvard.edu
Henry Weiland henryweiland.harvard.edu
Reade Park readepark.harvard.edu
MATH 157 Math in the World MATH 157 Conner,Austin
Peter Luo pluo.harvard.edu
Ryland Gross rylandgross.harvard.edu
Anne Mykland amykland.harvard.edu
Evangeline Liao evangelineliao.harvard.edu
MATH 165 Combinatorics and Designs MATH 165 Elkies,Noam
Sebastian Attlan sattlan.harvard.edu
MATH 212 Advanced Real Analysis MATH 212 Taubes,Cliff
Calvin Osborne cosborne.harvard.edu
Sasha Berger sashaberger.harvard.edu
MATH 213BR Riemann Surfaces MATH 213BR Siu,Yum-Tong
Claire Dai xdai.harvard.edu
MATH 222 Lie Groups and Lie Algebras MATH 222 Freed,Dan
Ekaterina Bogdanova ebogdanova.harvard.edu
MATH 223BR Algebraic Number Theory MATH 223BR Swaminathan,Ashvin
MATH 229 Intro to Analytic Number Theor MATH 229 Drozd,Yuriy
Tanav Choudhary tanavchoudhary.harvard.edu
MATH 231BR Advanced Algebraic Topology MATH 231BR Senger,Andrew
Greg Wong gregwong.harvard.edu
MATH 232BR Introduction to Algebraic Geom MATH 232BR Chen,Nathan
Rosie Shen wshen.harvard.edu
MATH 243 Evolutionary Dynamics MATH 243 Nowak, Martin A.
David Brewster dbrewster.harvard.edu
Tiffany Chen jchen1.harvard.edu
Kevin Wu kevinwu.harvard.edu
MATH 276B Introduction to Integrable Pro MATH 276B Borodin,Alexei
MATH 290Z Combinatorics of symmetric functions MATH 290Z Ben Dali,Houcine
MATH 289Z Fusion Categories as Generaliz MATH 289Z Decoppet,Thibault
MATH 293Z Function fields and number fie MATH 293Z Vemulapalli,Sameera
MATH 294Z Symplectic singularities and s MATH 294Z Krylov,Vasily
MATH 296Z Tools in Resolution of Singula MATH 296Z Quek,Ming Hao
Anh DucVo ducvo.harvard.edu
MATH 304 Grad Reading in Alg Topology MATH 304 Hopkins,Michael
MATH 305 Grad Reading in Symplectic Geo MATH 305 Auroux,Denis
MATH 313 Geometric Representation Theor MATH 313 Krylov,Vasily
MATH 317 Graduate Reading in Link Homol MATH 317 Ballinger,William
MATH 345 Grad Rdg Geometry and Topolog MATH 345 Kronheimer,Peter
MATH 346Y Graduate Reading in Analysis MATH 346Y Yau,Horng-Tzer
MATH 360 Topics in Algebraic Combinator MATH 360 Williams,Lauren Kiyomi
MATH 393 Grad Rdg in Mathematical Biolo MATH 393 Nowak,Martin
MATH 60R Reading Course for Senior Hono MATH 60R DeMarco,Laura
MATH 91R Supervised Reading and Researc MATH 91R DeMarco,Laura
MATH 99R Tutorial MATH 99R DeMarco,Laura
You need a valid
I-9 form on file with the University to begin working.
Your I9 form must be completed/active in the system!
Contact Larissa or Diana in the math department if you need more information about the I-9 form.
CAs must have an updated MA, New England (Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont) or NY
home address in the system (use Harvard address).
For rooms or room changes, email Oliver who will book a room for you with
room book.
A note about Teaching Fellow 1 assignments for upperlevel courses (GCA allocations):
the assignment is approved by the OUE only when there is sufficient enrollment (targeted size-15 students)
For this position: the TF needs to come to class, help with grading assignments (maybe write solutions),
hold office hours and/or section, provide feedback to the instructor on the progress of the class, post
some things on the course webpage. GCA positions which are scheduled to do only grading
(hourly job, no classroom time) will be hired as hourly teaching fellows.
Organizations and groups
Here is a list of the websites to the organizations mentioned in the orientation workshop: