Lecture notes, etc. for:
Math 259 (Spring 1998):
Introduction to Analytic Number Theory
Math 155 (Fall 1998):
[Combinatorial] Designs and Groups
Math 55a (Fall 1999),
Math 55b (Spring 1999-2000):
Honors Advanced Calculus and Linear Algebra
Math 250 (2001-2):
Higher Algebra
Math 55a (Fall 2002),
Math 55b (Spring 2002-3):
Honors Advanced Calculus and Linear Algebra
Math 259 (Spring 2002-3):
Introduction to Analytic Number Theory (updated from the 1998-9 class)
Math 213a (Fall 2003):
Complex Analysis [Functions of One Complex Variable]
Freshman Seminar 23j (Fall 2003):
Chess and Mathematics
Math 250 (Fall 2004): Higher Algebra
Freshman Seminar 23j (Fall 2004):
Chess and Mathematics
Math 55a (Fall 2005)
Freshman Seminar 23j (Spring [2005-]2006):
Chess and Mathematics
Math 21b (Fall 2006)
Freshman Seminar 23j (Fall 2006):
Chess and Mathematics
Math 259 (Spring [2006-]2007):
Introduction to Analytic Number Theory
(updated from the 1998-9 and 2002-3 classes)
Math 21b (Fall 2008)
Freshman Seminar 24i (Fall 2008):
Mathematical Problem Solving
Freshman Seminar 24i (Fall 2009):
Mathematical Problem Solving
Math 155r (Spring [2009-]2010):
[Combinatorial] Designs and Groups
Math 229 (Spring [2009-]2010):
Introduction to Analytic Number Theory (formerly known as Math 259,
and updated from 2007 and earlier iterations)
Math 55a (Fall 2010),
Math 55b (Spring 2010-11)
Freshman Seminar 24i (Fall 2010):
Mathematical Problem Solving
Math 263x (Fall 2012):
Computational Techniques in Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry
Math 256x (Fall 2013):
The Theory of Error-Correcting Codes
Math 25b (Spring [2013-]2014):
Honors Linear Algebra and Real Analysis II
Math 229 (Fall 2015):
Introduction to Analytic Number Theory (formerly known as Math 259,
and updated from 2009 and earlier iterations)
Math 155r (Spring [2015-]2016):
[Combinatorial] Designs and Groups (updated from 2009 and earlier iterations)
Math 55a (Fall 2016)
Math 55b (Spring [2016-]2017)
Math 55a (Fall 2017)
Math 55b (Spring [2017-]2018)
Math 229 (Spring [2018-]2019):
Introduction to Analytic Number Theory
Math 272 (Fall 2019):
Rational Lattices and their Theta Functions
Math 229 (Spring [2019-]2020):
Introduction to Analytic Number Theory
Math 229 (Spring [2020-]2021):
Introduction to Analytic Number Theory
Math 263x (Fall 2021):
Computational Techniques in Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry
Math 229 (Fall 2022):
Introduction to Analytic Number Theory
Math 122 (Fall 2023):
Algebra I
Math 222 (Spring [2023-]2024):
Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
Math 223ar (Fall 2024):
Introduction to the theory and computational practice of
the arithmetic of elliptic curves
Math 165r (Spring [2024-]2025):
[Combinatorial] Designs and Groups (updated from 2016 and
earlier iterations, when it was “Math 155r”)
Computational number theory:
Tables, links, etc.
Mathematical Miscellany:
Geometrical morsels, puzzles, PostScript tricks, one-page papers
here's my mathematical
curriculum vitae, and a list of my math
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