Project !
On Tuesday, towards the end of the exam, we had a bit of an overview something about the project.
The project contains also a creative aspect Mathematica. Try to make that part printable.
It can be whatever you like. The only requirement is that it should be creative and that
it should consist of several graphics objects put together. A simple surface for example
would not quality. Also, something like a
Snowman or some object which you have found code for on the internet would give
no credit.
Here is the Mathematica notebook for 2020.
Some pictures from the mathematica project:
Mandelbrot set area
M=Compile[{x,y},Module[{z=x+I y,k=0},
While[Less[Abs[z],2]&&Less[k,1000],z=N[z^2+x+I y];++k];Floor[k/1000]]];
9*Sum[M[-2+3 Random[],-1.5+3 Random[]],{1000000}]/1000000
Checking partial differential equations
Here is an example to verify that a function satisfies the
heat equation
Simplify[D[f[t,x],t] == D[f[t,x],{x,2}]]
We did not need FullSimplify here, but here is the analogue
stronger nudge. You can also append it to the end after a //
this is handy when you want to avoid brackets.
D[f[t,x],t] == D[f[t,x],{x,2}] // FullSimplify
When using Mathematica (like an RPN calculator), one can avoid brackets
8*1231434 // Sqrt // Log // N
Cobb Douglas by data fitting
In the summary part of the third week, (Problem 300.5) you are
asked to visualize the original Cobb-Douglas data points. Here
is the code.
(* Historical capital, labor and production data used by Cobb-Douglas *)
A = {{1899, 100, 100, 100}, {1900, 107, 105, 101}, {1901, 114, 110, 112},
{1902, 122, 118, 122}, {1903, 131, 123, 124}, {1904, 138, 116, 122},
{1905, 149, 125, 143}, {1906, 163, 133, 152}, {1907, 176, 138, 151},
{1908, 185, 121, 126}, {1909, 198, 140, 155}, {1910, 208, 144, 159},
{1911, 216, 145, 153}, {1912, 226, 152, 177}, {1913, 236, 154, 184},
{1914, 244, 149, 169}, {1915, 266, 154, 189}, {1916, 298, 182, 225},
{1917, 335, 196, 227}, {1918, 366, 200, 223}, {1919, 387, 193, 218},
{1920, 407, 193, 231}, {1921, 417, 147, 179}, {1922, 431, 161, 240}};
B = Table[{A[[k, 3]], A[[k, 2]], A[[k, 4]]}, {k, Length[A]}];
f[x_, y_] := x^(3/4) y^(1/4); (* Cobb- Douglas obtained this by fitting *)
S1 = Graphics3D[Table[{Red,Sphere[B[[k]], 10]}, {k, Length[B]}]];
S2 = Plot3D[x^(3/4) y^(1/4),{x, 100, 193}, {y, 100, 400}];
S = Show[{S1, S2},Axes->True, Ticks->None,AxesLabel-> {"C", "L", "P"}]
Plotting a function
ParametricPlot[ {Cos[5t],Sin[7t]},{t,0,2Pi}]
Velocity and Acceleration of the primes:
Contourplots of functions of three variables
ContourPlot3D[ x^2+y^2+z^2 == 3, {x,-2,2},{y,-2,2},{z,-2,2}]
Here were templates for the rare elements surfaces:
r=(2+v*Cos[u/2]);R={r*Cos[u],r*Sin[u],-v*Sin[u/2]};ParametricPlot3D[R,{u,0,2 Pi},{v,-1,1}]
r=(2 + Cos[3 t/2]);ParametricPlot3D[{r*Cos[t] + Sin[s],r*Sin[t],Sin[3t/2]},{t,0,4 Pi},{s,0,2Pi}]
t=GoldenRatio;w=1; a=1.4;
ContourPlot3D[8(x^2-t^4 y^2)(y^2-t^4 z^2)(z^2-t^4 x^2)(x^4+y^4+z^4-2x^2*y^2-2x^2*z^2-2y^2*z^2)+
(3+5t) (x^2+y^2+z^2-w^2)^2 (x^2+y^2+z^2-(2-t) w^2)^2 w^2==0,{x,-a,a},{y,-a,a},{z,-a,a}]
Graphs and contour plots of functions of two variables
Plot3D[ Sin[x y]/x,{x,-4,4},{y,-4,4}]
ContourPlot[ Sin[x y]/x,{x,-4,4},{y,-4,4}]
Tweaking parameters:
ContourPlot3D[x^2*y+y^2*z + z^2*x == 1,{x,-4,4},{y,-4,4},{z,-4,4},
Lagrange problems
Solve a Lagrange problem with 2 variables
f=2x^2+4 x y; g=x^2 y;
With 3 variables:
f=2x^2+4 x*y+z; g=x^2 y + z; c=1;
Solve[{D[f,x]==L*D[g,x], D[f,y]==L*D[g,y], D[f,z]==L*D[g,z], g==c},{x,y,z,L}]
With 3 variables and two constraints
f=x y z; g=x*y+2 y z+2 x z; h=2x+2y+4z; d=4; c=1
Solve[{D[f,x]==L*D[g,x] + M*D[h,x],
D[f,y]==L*D[g,y] + M*D[h,y],
D[f,z]==L*D[g,z] + M*D[h,z],
g==c, h==d},{x,y,z,L,M}]
Classifying critical points
Here is example code on how to compute the gradient and the discriminant
f=x^3 y^3- x y^2;
Classifying critical points
This produces a nice table.
f=4 x y - x^3 y - x y^3;
ClassifyCriticalPoints[f_,{x_,y_}]:=Module[{X,P,H,g,d,S}, X={x,y};
P=Sort[Solve[Thread[D[f,#] & /@ X==0],X]]; H=Outer[D[f,#1,#2]&,X,X];g=H[[1,1]];d=Det[H];
TableForm[{x,y,d,g,S[d,g],f} /.P,TableHeadings->{None,{x,y,"D","f_xx","Type","f"}}]]
We will have a Mathematica lab at the end
of this course. Please help each other installing
mathematica. You should have done so until Tuesday
6/30/2020, when we start graphing.
- Make an gmail account from harvard
- You can get Mathematica from here. There are instructions there to download and install
- You need to make a wolfram account. Start
to make an account (use your Harvard summer school
email address), Use Mathematica 12.1.1.