The Final exam

The final exam took place on August 9, 2018. The average score is 74/100 with a standard deviation of 19 (all when scaled to 100). The score range of the (140 point exam) was 18-137.
The exam Exam solutions

Some practice exams:
Practice I, [Solutions] Practice II, [Solutions] Practice III, [Solutions]
Practice IV, [Solutions] Practice V, [Solutions] Practice VI, [Solutions]
Practice VII, [Solutions] Practice VIII, [Solutions] Practice IV, [Solutions]
Practice VII, [Solutions] Practice VIII, [Solutions] Practice IV, [Solutions]
Practice X, [Solutions] Practice XI, [Solutions] Practice XII, [Solutions]

Second hourly

The second hourly took place on July 26, 2018. There was be a class review on Tuesday, July 24, 2018. The average score was 79. The standard deviation was 17. The score range was 26 to 98.

The exam Exam solutions

Here are some practice exams:
Practice 1, [Solutions] Practice 2, [Solutions] Practice 3, [Solutions]
Practice 4, [Solutions] Practice 5, [Solutions] Practice 6, [Solutions]
Practice 7, [Solutions] Practice 8, [Solutions] Practice 9, [Solutions]
Practice 10, [Solutions] Practice 11, [Solutions] Practice 12, [Solutions]

First hourly

The first hourly took place on July 12, 2018. There was a class review on Tuesday, July 10. The average score was 77 with a standard deviation of 16. The score range was 27 to 96.
The exam Exam solution draft

Here were some practice exams.
Practice 1, [Solutions] Practice 2, [Solutions] Practice 3, [Solutions]
Practice 4, [Solutions] Practice 5, [Solutions] Practice 6, [Solutions]
Practice 7, [Solutions] Practice 8, [Solutions] Practice 9, [Solutions]
Practice 10, [Solutions] Practice 11, [Solutions] Practice 12, [Solutions]