The Mathematica Assignment Fall 2016
The Mathematica project of Fall 2016 is
We ad a workshop on Wednesday November 16 5:30-6:30 in Science
center Hall C. A few important points:
- There is a strict deadline, December 3, midnight
- Submission is by email and will be acknowledged.
- Be creative. Its fine to consult with others or ask around or
consult the web.
But each submits his or her own project. Its not a group project.
- If using external sources, acknowledge it, as custom
in any academic setting. If you like to add in part 6 a title or
context pointer (if not obvious), please do so.
The lab is of creative nature as in
previous years and be posted soon. Here are galleries from previous years:
Example Summer 2016,
Example Fall 2015
Example Fall 2014
Example Fall 2013
- The Mathematica program can be obtained here.
During installation you will be prompted for an Activation Key.
Make sure to use your Harvard email address when registering.
Contact me ( if you plan to use Mathematica on a linux system.
- Mathematica is started like any other application on Macintoshs or PC's.
On Linux, just type "mathematica" in a terminal to start the notebook version, or
"math" to start the terminal version.
- Once Mathematica is running, copy paste any of the following lines
into a cell, click with the mouse somewhere into the cell, then hold "Shift" and hit "Enter".
Some frequently used commands:
Plot[ x Sin[x],{x,-10,10}] | Graph function of one variable |
Plot3D[ Sin[x y],{x,-2,2},{y,-2,2}] | Graph function of two variables |
ParametricPlot[ {Cos[3 t],Sin[5 t]} ,{t,0,2Pi}] | Plot planar curve |
ParametricPlot3D[{Cos[t],Sin[t],t} ,{t,0,4Pi},AspectRatio->1] | Plot space curve |
ParametricPlot3D[{Cos[t] Sin[s],Sin[t] Sin[s],Cos[s]},{t,0,2Pi},{s,0,Pi}] | Parametric Surface |
SphericalPlot3D[(2+Sin[2 t] Sin[3 s]),{t,0,Pi},{s,0,2 Pi}] | Spherical Plot |
RevolutionPlot3D[{2 + Cos[t], t}, {t,0,2 Pi}] | Revolution Plot |
ContourPlot[Sin[x y],{x,-2,2},{y,-2,2} ] | Contour lines (traces) |
ContourPlot3D[x^2+2y^2-z^2,{x,-2,2},{y,-2,2},{z,-2,2}] | Implicit surface |
VectorPlot[{x-y,x+y},{x,-3,3},{y,-3,3}] | Vectorfield plot |
VectorPlot3D[{x-y,x+y,z},{x,-3,3},{y,-3,3},{z,0,1}] | Vectorfield plot 3D |
Integrate[x Sin[x], x] | Integrate symbolically |
Integrate[x y^2-z,{x,0,2},{y,0,x},{z,0,y}] | 3D Integral |
NIntegrate[Exp[-x^2],{x,0,10}] | Integrate numerically |
D[ Cos^5[x],x ] | Differentiate symbolically |
Series[Exp[x],{x,0,3} ] | Taylor series |
DSolve[ x''[t]==-x[t],x,t ] | Solution to ODE |
DSolve[{D[u[x,t],t]==D[u[x,t],x],u[x,0]==Sin[x]},u[x,t],{x,t}] | Solution to PDE |
Classify extrema:
ClassifyCriticalPoints[f_,{x_,y_}]:=Module[{X,P,H,g,d,S}, X={x,y};
P=Sort[Solve[Thread[D[f,#] & /@ X==0],X]]; H=Outer[D[f,#1,#2]&,X,X];g=H[[1,1]];d=Det[H];
TableForm[{x,y,d,g,S[d,g],f} /.P,TableHeadings->{None,{x,y,"D","f_xx","Type","f"}}]]
ClassifyCriticalPoints[4 x y - x^3 y - x y^3,{x,y}]
Solve a Lagrange problem with 2 variables
F[x_,y_]:=2x^2+4 x y; G[x_,y_]:=x^2 y;
With 3 variables
F[x_,y_,z_]:=2x^2+4 x y+z; G[x_,y_,z_]:=x^2 y + z; c=1;
With 3 variables and two constraints
F[x_,y_,z_]:=z; G[x_,y_,z_]:=z^2-x^2-y^2; H[x_,y_,z_]:=4x-3y+8z; c=0; d=5;
Solve[{D[F[x,y,z],x]==L*D[G[x,y,z],x] + M D[H[x,y,z],x],
D[F[x,y,z],y]==L*D[G[x,y,z],y] + M D[H[x,y,z],y],
D[F[x,y,z],z]==L*D[G[x,y,z],z] + M D[H[x,y,z],z],
Check that a function solves a PDE:
f[t_,x_]:=(x/t)*Sqrt[1/t]*Exp[-x^2/(4 t)]/(1+ Sqrt[1/t] Exp[-x^2/(4 t)]);
Simplify[%] Chop[%]
Solving a partial differential equation numerically
Please use code from
A partial differential equation (wave equation) with
three variables:
A=Rectangle[{0,0},{1,1}]; Clear[t,x,y];
f[x_,y_]:=Sin[2 Pi x] Abs[Sin[3 Pi y]];
g[x_,y_]:=3 Sin[Pi x] Sin[Pi y];
u[0,x,y] == f[x,y],
DirichletCondition[u[t,x,y] ==0,True]},
u,{t, 0, 2 Pi}, {x,y} \[Element] A];