Here are some books from my library related to creativity in mathematics.
How to Solve It, a new aspect of mathematical method frontside How to Solve It, a new aspect of mathematical method backside
G. Polya How to Solve It, a new aspect of mathematical method
A classic. A single book which can improve your grade by 20 percent.
The Eureka Effect, the art and logic of breakthrough thinking frontside The Eureka Effect, the art and logic of breakthrough thinking backside
D. Perkins The Eureka Effect, the art and logic of breakthrough thinking
Analysis how big ideas were obtained: think long, then relax
The structure of scientific revolutions frontside The structure of scientific revolutions backside
T. Kuhn The structure of scientific revolutions
This book changed the selfawareness of scientists.
On the Shoulders of Giants, New approaches to Numeracy frontside On the Shoulders of Giants, New approaches to Numeracy backside
L.A. Steen On the Shoulders of Giants, New approaches to Numeracy
A collection of essays.
How to Solve Mathematical Problems frontside How to Solve Mathematical Problems backside
W. Wickelgren How to Solve Mathematical Problems
discusses 7 problem-solving techniques.
Mind Performance Hacks, Tips and Tools for Overclocing Your Brain frontside Mind Performance Hacks, Tips and Tools for Overclocing Your Brain backside
R.Hale-Evans Mind Performance Hacks, Tips and Tools for Overclocing Your Brain
in a classical "hack" manner introduced in short selfcontained stories.
Mind Hacks,  Tips and Tools for Using Your Brain frontside Mind Hacks,  Tips and Tools for Using Your Brain backside
T. Stafford and M. Webb Mind Hacks, Tips and Tools for Using Your Brain
A collection of probes into the moment-by-moment workds of our brain.
The Mathematician's Mind. The Psychology of Invention in  the Mathematical Field. frontside The Mathematician's Mind. The Psychology of Invention in  the Mathematical Field. backside
J. Hadamard The Mathematician's Mind. The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field.
Written by one of the best mathematicians of the last century.
How To Prove It. A Structured Approach frontside How To Prove It. A Structured Approach backside
D. J. Velleman How To Prove It. A Structured Approach
The same title as Polyas book but more towards how to write proofs.
How the other Half thinks. Adventures in Mathematical Reasoning. frontside How the other Half thinks. Adventures in Mathematical Reasoning. backside
S. Stein How the other Half thinks. Adventures in Mathematical Reasoning.
A collection of problems.
The Society of Mind frontside The Society of Mind backside
M. Minsky The Society of Mind
A book in the spirit of the modern hack series written by one of the pioneers of AI.
How to Think like Leonardo da Vinci frontside How to Think like Leonardo da Vinci backside
M. Gelb How to Think like Leonardo da Vinci
Advertized as "Seven steps to Genious Every Day".
The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical field. frontside The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical field. backside
J. Hadamard The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical field.
Throws light on the methods of mathematical invention and offers revealing in insights into the thought process in general.
 The Mind's best work frontside  The Mind's best work backside
D.N. Perkins The Mind's best work
A book on creativity in general, also in arts.
Letters to a young mathematician frontside Letters to a young mathematician backside
I. Stewart Letters to a young mathematician
Besides creativity in mathematics other aspects are also important. A few nice tips.
Sovling Mathematical Problems. A personal perspective frontside Sovling Mathematical Problems. A personal perspective backside
T. Tao Sovling Mathematical Problems. A personal perspective
A short but nice book by one of the current masters. Wonderful problems.
 The red book of mathematical problems frontside  The red book of mathematical problems backside
K. Williams and K. Hardy The red book of mathematical problems
A compilation of 100 practice problems for the Putnam exam. Only practice makes the master.
 Proofs from the book. frontside  Proofs from the book. backside
M. Aigner and G. Ziegler Proofs from the book.
Simplicity in proofs neads creativity. The book contains many prototypes of elegant proofs.
Berkeley Problems in Mathematics frontside Berkeley Problems in Mathematics backside
P. Ney de Souza and J-N. Silva Berkeley Problems in Mathematics
Problems for preparation of qualifying exams.
The Art of Mathematics. Coffee Time in Memphis frontside The Art of Mathematics. Coffee Time in Memphis backside
B. Bollobas The Art of Mathematics. Coffee Time in Memphis
A problem book.
A mathematician's apology frontside A mathematician's apology backside
G.H. Hardy A mathematician's apology
A biography which gives some insight into how a mathematican works.

Oliver Knill, Department of Mathematics, Harvard University, One Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. SciCenter 432 Tel: (617) 495 5549, Email: Quantum calculus blog, Twitter, Youtube, TikTok, Vimeo, Linkedin, Scholar Harvard, Academia, Harvard Academia, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Slashdot, Ello, Webcam, Spring 2020 office hours: Tentative: Mon-Fri 9-10 AM and 5-6 PM and by appointment.