Email: demarco at math dot harvard dot edu
Professor of Mathematics
Radcliffe Alumnae Professor at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study
Department of Mathematics
Harvard University
1 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Office: Science Center 337
Primary research interests:
Dynamical systems, arithmetic geometry, and complex analysis
CV (short version), updated October 2023.
Events and seminars in the Harvard math department
Upcoming events:
Hamilton Day, Royal Irish Academy
Dublin, Ireland, October 16, 2024.
Algebra and Number Theory Day
Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, November 23, 2024.
Arithmetic, Algebraic, and Analytic Dynamics
CIRM, Luminy, France, January 20-24, 2025.
DeLong Lectures
University of Colorado, Boulder, February 2025.
Bloomington Geometry Workshop
Indiana University, Bloomington, April 2025.
University of Waterloo Women in Mathematics Day
Waterloo, Canada, May 2025.
Workshop on Model Theory, Algebraic Dynamics, and Differential-Algebraic Geometry
Fields Institute, Toronto, June 16-20, 2025.
Diophantine approximation and transcendence
CIRM, Luminy, France, November 10-14, 2025.
Publications and Preprints
The geometry of preperiodic points in families of maps on P^N, with N. M. Mavraki.
Preprint, August 2024, 27 pages. pdf
Bounded geometry for PCF-special subvarieties, with N. M. Mavraki and H. Ye.
Preprint, revised August 2024, 30 pages. pdf
Multiplier spectrum of maps on P^1: theorems of Ji-Xie and Ji-Xie-Zhang, with N. M. Mavraki.
Notes, revised April 2024, 12 pages. pdf
Geometry of PCF parameters in spaces of quadratic polynomials, with N. M. Mavraki.
Preprint, revised Sept 2024, 24 pages. pdf
Dynamics on P^1: preperiodic points and pairwise stability, with N. M. Mavraki.
Compositio Math., 160 (2024), no. 2, 356-387. pdf
Elliptic surfaces and intersections of adelic R-divisors, with N. M. Mavraki.
To appear, J. Eur. Math. Soc., 48 pages. pdf
Variation of canonical height for Fatou points on P^1, with N. M. Mavraki.
J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle), 795 (2023), 183–220. pdf
Common preperiodic points for quadratic polynomials, with H. Krieger and H. Ye.
Journal of Modern Dynamics, 18 (2022), 363-413. pdf
Uniform Manin-Mumford for a family of genus 2 curves, with H. Krieger and H. Ye.
Annals of Math., 191 (2020), 949-1001. pdf
Variation of canonical height and equidistribution, with N. M. Mavraki.
American J. Math., 142 (2020), 443-473. pdf
On the postcritical set of a rational map, with S. Koch and C. T. McMullen.
Math. Annalen, 377 (2020), 1-18. pdf
Critical orbits and arithmetic equidistribution.
Proceedings of the ICM 2018, Vol III, 1867-1886. pdf
Rationality of dynamical canonical height, with D. Ghioca.
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems, 9 (2019), 2507-2540. pdf
Bounded height in families of dynamical systems,
with D. Ghioca, H. Krieger, K. D. Nguyen, T. J. Tucker, and H. Ye.
Int. Math. Res. Notices, 8 (2019), 2453-2482. pdf
Discontinuity of a degenerating escape rate, with Y. Okuyama.
Conform. Geom. Dyn. 22 (2018), 33-44. pdf
KAWA Lecture Notes: Dynamical moduli spaces and elliptic curves.
Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math. 27 (2018), 389-420.
The classification of polynomial basins of infinity, with K. Pilgrim.
Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. 50 (2017), 799-877. pdf
Convex shapes and harmonic caps, with K. Lindsey.
Arnold Math. J., 3 (2017), 97-117. Special volume for 25th anniversary of IMS. pdf
Bifurcations, intersections, and heights.
Algebra & Number Theory, 10 (2016), 1031-1056. pdf
Degenerations of complex dynamical systems II: Analytic and algebraic stability,
with X. Faber and an Appendix by J. Kiwi.
Math. Ann., 365 (2016), 1669-1699. pdf
Torsion points and the Lattes family, with X. Wang and H. Ye.
American J. of Math., 138 (2016), no. 3, 697-732. pdf
Bifurcation measures and quadratic rational maps, with X. Wang and H. Ye.
Proc. London Math. Soc., 111 (2015), no. 1, 149-180. pdf
Degenerations of complex dynamical systems, with X. Faber.
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma. 2 (2014), e6, 36 pages. Available from the publisher
Special curves and postcritically-finite polynomials, with M. Baker.
Forum of Mathematics, Pi. 1 (2013), e3, 35 pages. Available from the publisher
The geometry of the critically-periodic curves in the space of cubic
polynomials, with A. Schiff.
Experimental Math. 22 (2013), no. 1, 99-111. pdf
Combinatorics and topology of the shift locus.
Conformal Dynamics and Hyperbolic Geometry, AMS Contemporary Mathematics.
Volume in honor of Linda Keen's birthday. 573 (2012) 35-48.
The conformal geometry of billiards, pdf
Bulletin of the AMS. 48 (2011), no. 1, 33-52.
Critical heights on the moduli space of polynomials, with K. Pilgrim.
Advances in Mathematics. 226 (2011) 350-372.
Preperiodic points and unlikely intersections, with M. Baker.
Duke Math. Journal. 159 (2011), no. 1, 1-29. pdf
Polynomial basins of infinity, with K. Pilgrim.
Geom. Funct. Anal. 21 (2011), no. 4, 920-950. pdf
Hausdorffization and polynomial twists, with K. Pilgrim.
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Sys., Ser. A. 29 (2011), no. 4, 1405-1417.
Special issue, Trends and developments in dynamical systems, Part III. pdf
Enumerating the basins of infinity for cubic polynomials, with A.
J. Difference Equ. Appl. 16 (2010) 451-461.
Special issue dedicated to Robert L. Devaney. pdf
Axiom A polynomial skew products of C^2 and their postcritical sets,
with S. Lynch Hruska.
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems. 28 (2008) 1729-1748.
pdf, Erratum
Trees and the dynamics of polynomials, with C. T. McMullen.
Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. 41 (2008) 337-383.
Finiteness for degenerate polynomials.
Holomorphic Dynamics and Renormalization: A Volume in Honour
of J. Milnor's 75th birthday.
Fields Institute Communications, AMS, 53 (2008) 89-104.
Transfinite diameter and the resultant, with R. Rumely.
J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle). 611 (2007) 145-161.
The moduli space of quadratic rational maps.
Journal of the AMS. 20 (2007) 321-355.
Iteration at the boundary of the space of rational maps.
Duke Math. Journal. 130 (2005) 169-197.
Dimension of pluriharmonic measure and polynomial
endomorphisms of C^n, with Ilia Binder.
International Math. Research Notices. 11 (2003) 613-625.
Dynamics of rational maps: Lyapunov exponents, bifurcations,
and metrics on the sphere.
Mathematische Annalen. 326 (2003) 43-73.
Dynamics of rational maps: a positive current
on the bifurcation locus.
Math. Research Letters. 8 (2001) 57-66.
Stability of H, D, and N atoms in solid ammonia
above 100K, with A. Brill and D. Crabb.
J. Chem. Phys., 108 (1998) 1423-1428.
Holomorphic families of rational maps: dynamics, geometry, and potential theory
Ph.D. thesis, Harvard University, 2002. pdf