Math 136: Differential Geometry (Fall 2019)

Class Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30-2:45pm, Science Center 507

Instructor: Sébastien Picard
Email: spicard@math
Office: Science Center 235
Office hours: Wednesday 2-3pm and Thursday 12-1pm, or by appointment

Course Assistant: Joshua Benjamin
Email: jbenjamin@college
Office Hours:
Section: Tuesdays 6-7:15pm, Science Center 221
Math Night: Mondays 8-10pm Leverett Dining Hall

Syllabus: Can be found here.

Course Description: An introduction to curvature and Riemannian geometry. The main focus will be on curves and surfaces in Euclidean space.

Textbook: Wolfgang Kuhnel, Differential Geometry: Curves - Surfaces - Manifolds, Third Edition.

Problem Sets: Weekly homework problem sets will be posted below. Homework is due on Thursdays, submitted on Canvas.

Homework 1 - Due September 12
Homework 2 - Due September 19
Homework 3 - Due September 26
Homework 4 - Due October 3
Homework 5 - Due October 10
Homework 6 - Due October 17
Homework 7 - Due October 24
Homework 8 - Due November 7
Homework 9 - Due November 14
Homework 10 - Due November 21

Midterm: The midterm exam will be held in class on October 29.

Practice Midterm - Solutions

Final Exam: There will be a take-home final exam.

Grading Scheme:
40% Homework
20% Midterm
40% Final