- Relativized
Grothendieck topoi in Annals of Pure and Applied Logic Vol. 161 Issue 10 p.
1299-1312 [Preprint,
- The Number Of
Countable Models In Categories of Sheaves in The Proceedings of Makkaifest
- The Number Of
Countable Models In A Realizability Topos in The Proceedings of CT2010
- Completeness in
Generalized Ultrametric Spaces in p-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal.
Appl. 5 (2013) no. 2, 89-105 [Preprint]
- Sheaf Recursion
and a Separation Theorem to appear in Journal of Symbolic Logic [Preprint]
- Vaught's
Conjecture Without Equality to appear in Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic
- On Transferring
Model Theoretic Theorems of $L_{\infty,\omega}$ in the
Category of Sets to a Fixed Grothendieck Topos to
appear in Logica Universalis
- A Characterization
of Quasitrivial n-Semigroups to appear in Algebra Universalis [Preprint]
- On Relativization
of Complete Metric Spaces [Preprint]
- On n Cardinal
Spectra Of Ultrahomogeneous Theories [Preprint]
- Invariant measures
concentrated on countable structures with Cameron Freer and
Rehana Patel [arXiv:1206.4011
- A Fixed Point
Theorem for Contracting Maps of Symmetric Continuity Spaces
- Model Theoretic
Proof of a Result of Hjorth [Notes]
- Categories Enriched
in Quantaloids Associated to a Frame [Notes]
- Quantifier Rank
Spectra of $L_{\omega_1, \omega}$ [Notes]
PhD Thesis (at MIT):
- Quantifier Rank
Spectra of L-infinity-omega (Under Professor Gerald
Sacks at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology) [Thesis, Thesis Defense]
This page was created by Nate Ackerman,
and last revised on August 8, 2013.