The first bodily form I judge to be light for light of itself diffuses itself in every
direction, so that a sphere of light as great as you is born instantly from a point of
light. But form cannot abandon matter because form is not separable and matter can not
be emptied of form. Form is light itself or the tour its work and the bringer of
dimensions into matter but light is of a more noble and more excellent essence than all
bodily things. Since light which is the first form created in curved matter could not
abandon matter in the beginning of time. It throw out matter alone with itself into a
mass as great as the fabric of the world. When the first sphere has been completed and
this way it spreads out its daylight from every part of itself to the center of the
whole. This daylight in its passage does not divide the body through which it passes, but
assembles and disperses it. And this semblance which disperses proceeded in order until
the nine celestial spheres were perfected. Matter or the four elements was assembled within
the nine sphere which is the sphere of the moon. The ninth sphere and rendering day light
from itself and assembling the mass within itself has brought forth fire. Fire engendering
life has brought forth air. Air and rendering from itself a bodily spirit has brought forth
water and earth. But earth is all the higher bodies because the higher daylights were compressed
together in the earth and the light of any sphere may be drawn forth from the earth into
at operation. Whatever god you wish will be born of the earth as of some mother. The form and
perfection of all bodies is light. But the light of the higher is more spiritual and simple
while the light of the lower is more bodily and multiple. Nor are all bodies of the same
form though they have their origins in a simple light. Just as all numbers are not of the
same form. Though they are greater or lesser multiplies of unity. In the highest body which
is the most simple, there are four things to be found. Name form, matter, composition and
entirety. Now, the form as being more simple has the place of unity. On account of the
twofold power of matter, namely the ability to receive impressions and to retain them
And also on account of identity which has its beginning in matter. Matter is allotted the
nature of the number 2. Composition makes up the number 3. Because in composition are evident
formed matter and material. Form and the things about composition which is its very own. And
that which besides these three is proper two. Entirety is included under the number 4.
When the number 1 of form and the number 2 of matter and the number 3 of composition and
the number 4 of entirety are added together, they make up the number 10. 10 is the
full number of the universe, because every whole and purpose has something in itself like
form and unity and something like matter and the number 2 and something like composition
and the number 3 and something like entirety and the number 4. And it is not possible
to add a fifth beyond these four. Therefor every whole and perfect thing is a 10.
But from this it is clear that only the 5 ratio found between the four numbers 1,2,3 and 4
are fitted to that harmony which makes every composition steadfast. Therefor, only those
5 ratios exist in musical measures. In dances and rhythmic times.