The movie is fantastic and actually quite good mathematically. It is a bit like
the play by the Swiss writer Friedrich
Dürrenmatt who wrote Die Physiker
similarly discussing questions of scientific ethics. There is a mysterious body guard listening to all
of the conversation (which is a bit strange, given that all is so top secret).
In Dürrenmatts play, there is a psychiatrist Mathilde von Zahnd who eavesdrops on the conversation.
In the Travelling Salesman movie, there is also a bit of cold war atmosphere, similarly as in the 1962 play
of Duerrenmatt, when NATO and WTO were the players.
A detail: the P=NP problem was formulated by Stephen Cook and Leonid Levin. The mathematicians
Michael Garey and
David S Johnson
were mentioned, who worked on the Traveling Salesman Problem and
wrote Computers and intractability.