Cicada 3301

Cicada 3301

The comedy-thriller ``Dark Web: Cicada 3301" is motivated by Cicada 3301, a nickname to an unknown group who has released puzzles to recruit codebreakers. It is a very nice fun movie, especially also as there is some math in it: first percentage calculations, then some cryptology (Ceasar cypher and steganography) and finally a scene with prime numbers. What makes the movie nice is good chemistry of the actors, the deadpool type touch of humor and the not totally ridiculous hacking scenes. The number 3301 is a prime number. One can read about some properties Here. Curiously, the sum of the first 3301 positive repunits is a 3301 prime number and this is the smallest prime for which this happens. The following Mathematica code checks this:
n=Sum[Sum[10^k,{k,0,n-1}],{n,1,3301}]; Print[PrimeQ[n]]; Print[Length[IntegerDigits[n]]];

MOV, Ogg Webm. IMDb link
Oliver Knill, Posted March 17, 2021,