ENTRY POTENTIAL THEORY Authors: Oliver Knill: jan 2003 Literature: "T. Ransford","Potential theory in the complex plane". +------------------------------------------------------------ | Analytic +------------------------------------------------------------ Analytic Let D subset C be an open set. A continuous function f: D arrow C is called analytic in D, if for all z in D the complex partial derivative fracpartial f partial z := lim_|h| arrow 0 frac1h (f(z+h) - f(z)) exists and is finite. Analytic functions are also called holomorphic. Properties: the sum and the product of analytic functions are analytic. If f_n is a sequence of analytic maps which converges uniformly on compact subsets of D to a function f, then f is analytic too. +------------------------------------------------------------ | complex partial derivative +------------------------------------------------------------ Define the complex partial derivative of a complex function f(z)=f(x+iy) in the complex plane is defined as fracpartial fpartial z = frac12 (fracpartialpartial x-ifracpartialpartial y) f. +------------------------------------------------------------ | conformal map +------------------------------------------------------------ A conformal map is a differentiable map from the complex plane to the complex plane which preserves angles. every conformal map which has continuous partial derivatives is analytic. An analytic function f is conformal at every point where its derivative f'(z) is different from 0. +------------------------------------------------------------ | Dirichlet problem +------------------------------------------------------------ Solution of the Dirichlet problem. If D is a regular domain in the complex plane and f is a continous function on the boundary of D, then there exists a unique harmonic function f on D such that h(z)=f(z) for all boundary points of D. +------------------------------------------------------------ | Dirichlet problem +------------------------------------------------------------ Let K be a compact subset of the complex plane. Let P(K) the set of all Borel probability measure on K. A measure nu maximizing the potential theoretical energy in P(K) is called an equilibrium measure of K. Properties: every compact K has an equilibrium measure. if K is not polar then the equilibrium measure is unique. +------------------------------------------------------------ | fine topology +------------------------------------------------------------ The fine topology on the complex plane is defined as the coarsest topology on the plane which makes all subharmonic functions continuous. +------------------------------------------------------------ | Frostman's theorem +------------------------------------------------------------ Frostman's theorem: If nu is the equilibrium measure on a compact set K, then the potential p_nu of nu is bounded below by I(nu) everywhere on C. Furthermore, p_nu=I(nu) everywhere on K except on a F_sigma polar subset E of the boundary of K. +------------------------------------------------------------ | Frostman's theorem +------------------------------------------------------------ A function h on the complex plane is called harmonic in a region D if it satisfies the mean value property on every disc contained in D. +------------------------------------------------------------ | harmonic measure +------------------------------------------------------------ A harmonic measure w_D on a domain D is a function from D to the set of Borel probability measures on the boundary of D. The measure for z is defined as the functional g mapsto H_D(g)(z), where H_D(g) is the Perron function of g on D. if the boundary of D is non-polar, there exists a unique harmonic measure for D. if D=Im(z)<0, then w_D(z,a,b) = arg( (z-b)/(z-a) )/pi +------------------------------------------------------------ | Harnack inequality +------------------------------------------------------------ The Harnack inequality assures that for any positive harmonic function h on the disc D(w,R) and for any r0 such that for all 0