ENTRY COMPUTABILITY Authors: Oliver Knill: nothing real yet Literature: not yet, some lectures of E.Engeler on computation theory +------------------------------------------------------------ | Church's theses +------------------------------------------------------------ The generally accepted Church's theses tells that everything which is computable can be computed using a Turing machine. In that case, the problem to determine, whether a Turing machine will halt, is not computable. +------------------------------------------------------------ | cipher +------------------------------------------------------------ A cipher is a secret mode of writing, often the result of subsituting numbers of letters and then carrying out arithmetic operations on the numbers. +------------------------------------------------------------ | Coding theory +------------------------------------------------------------ Coding theory is the theory of encryption of messages employed for security during the transmission of data or the recovery of information from corrupted data. +------------------------------------------------------------ | Cooks hypothesis +------------------------------------------------------------ Cooks hypothesis P=NP. A proof or disproof is one of the millenium problems. +------------------------------------------------------------ | Graph isomorphism problem +------------------------------------------------------------ Graph isomorphism problem It is not known whether graph isomorphism can be decided in deterministic polynomial time. It is an open problem in computational complexity theory. +------------------------------------------------------------ | Inductive structure +------------------------------------------------------------ Inductive structure A set U with a subset A and operations g_1,...,g_n define an inductive structure (U,A,g_1,...,g_n) If all elements of U can be generated by repeated applications of the operations g_i on elements of A. Examples: (N,A=0,1,g_1(a,b)=a+b, g_2(a,b)=a*b defines an inductive structure. If U=N is the set of natural numbers, A=1,2,3 g_1(x,y)=3x-4,g_2(x,y,z)=7x+5y-z, then (U,A,g_1,g_2) define an inductive structure. +------------------------------------------------------------ | syntactic structure +------------------------------------------------------------ An inductive structure (U,A,g_1,...,g_n) is called a syntactic structure if it is uniquely readable that is if g_1(u_1,...,u_k) = g_2(v_1,...,v_l), then g_1=g_2,k=l and u_1=v_1,...,u_k=v_k. Example: if X is the set of finite words in the alphabet p,q,r,K,N and A=p,q,r. Define g_1(x,y) = Kxy and g_2(x,y)=Nx and U the set of words generated from A. The structure is the language of elementary logic in polnic notation. It is a syntactic structure. Syntactic structures are in general described by grammers. +------------------------------------------------------------ | grammar +------------------------------------------------------------ A grammar (N,T,G) is given by two sets of symbols N,T and a finite set G of pairs (n_i,t_i) which define transitions n_i to t_i. For example: N=S,T=K,N,p,q,r, G= S to p, S to q,S to r, S to KSS, S to NS . Acoording to Chomsky, one classifies grammers with additional conditions like context sensitivity or regularity. +------------------------------------------------------------ | context sensitive +------------------------------------------------------------ A grammer (N,T,G) is called context sensitive if (n,t) in G then |t| geq |n|. +------------------------------------------------------------ | context sensitive +------------------------------------------------------------ This file is part of the Sofia project sponsored by the Provost's fund for teaching and learning at Harvard university. There are 10 entries in this file. COUNT: 10