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The culture of mathematical exhibit

Oliver Knill, Mai 3, 2014

Exhibit hall from 1893

The culture of mathematical models has flourished in Europe around the end of the 19th century. In particular, the Brill-Schilling manufacture in Darmstadt (Martin Schilling took over the distribution of models from Ludwig Brill in about 1900. Source. The Harvard Mathematics department had a larger collection which then has partly been catalogued by the Harvard graduate school of design.

Alexander Wilhelm von Brill (Bio), the one from "Brill Noether theory" and was a student of Clebsch (the "Clebsch-Gordan one"). Among students who took his classes ere Hurwitz, Planck, Bianchi, Runge, Ricci-Curbastro, which all are legends "Hurwitz formula, Planck constant, Bianchi identity, Runge-Kutta, Ricci curvature).
Mathematisch-Physikalische Modelle in an exhibit of the technical university München of 1893. Source: Deutsches Museum, Bildstelle, displayed in the book "Objets Mathematiques: Musee du temps de Besancon et university de Franbche-Compte. Click on the picture to get a 1920x1200 desktop version.
Book cover "Objets Mathematiques: Musee du temps de Besancon et university de Franbche-Compte.