Brendan Kelly

Director of Introductory Math

Harvard University

Department of Mathematics
Science Center 422
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

Professional Interests

Math instruction, supporting students, educational leadership, induction of math graduate students into teaching, teacher professional training, curriculum design, math for social justice, technology in the classroom, preservice teacher training.


Intermediate Algebra: A Functional Approach
Brendan Kelly, Emina Alibegovic, Rebecca Noonan-Heale, Anna Schoening, Amanda Cangelosi
An open source textbook promoting active learning in the Intermediate Algebra classroom.

Functions and their Rates of Change
Janet Chen, Robin Gottlieb, Brendan Kelly, and the Math Department Preceptors
An open source textbook promoting active learning in a course that blends Calculus and Precalculus.


Boston Math Teachers Circle
A monthly meeting where participants get a chance to work together on intriguing math problems alongside mathematicians from local universities.

Emerging Scholars Program
An enrichment program for STEM interested students.

Pathways through Calculus
An open-source curriculum that creates broadly accessible onramps into calculus.


Ph.D. Mathematics, The University of Utah.

B.A. Mathematics, The College of New Jersey.