Midterm Report
Due Tuesday, 12 Nov 2002.
Prepare a document that consolidates your work in
the seminar so far, and sets some plans for the future.
- Briefly outline what you've learned so far.
- Assemble documentation for projects you've undertaken --
including notes, references, pictures, computer programs, etc.
- Describe what you are most confused about.
- Describe what you are most curious to learn more about.
- Propose one or more projects of your own devising to complete
before the end of the term.
- Projects might involve:
- Learning independently about a new topic, and presenting
a short lecture, a written outline, or a demonstration;
- Investigating in depth in a subject touched on in the seminar already;
- Completing and polishing a project already started
in or suggested by the seminar;
- Making a sculpture, a collection of natural objects,
a physical apparatus, or another display
related to this seminar.
- Seeking out scientific or sociological arenas in
which the mathematics of the seminar plays a role;
- Creating and documenting a computer program so it
can be used by others;
- Using dynamics, fractals or randomness in the composition
of a short story or a piece of music;
- Experimenting with the behavior of a
dynamical system, a random process or a geometric
- Applying mathematics to model a natural phenomenon
(spoken English, weather, sidewalk cracks,
the stock market, etc...)
- Something radical, unexpected and enlightening...
- Describe the final form your project(s) will take
(a paper, a piece of music, a short lecture, an outline, a web page, etc.)
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