Erogic Theory, Geometry and Dynamics

Math 275 - Tu Th 12-1:15 - Virtual Reality
Harvard University - Fall 2020

Instructor: Curtis T McMullen

Description: A survey of fundamental results and current research. Topics may include:
  • Dynamics on the circle and the torus
  • Lie groups and ergodic theory
  • Hyperbolic surfaces and SL2(R)
  • Kazhdan's property T and SL3(R)
  • Amenability and expanding graphs
  • Martingales and Furstenberg's theorem
  • Hyperbolic 3-manifolds and Mostow rigidity
  • Ratner's theorem
  • Conjectures of Oppenheim and Littlewood
  • Planes in hyperbolic 3-manifolds
  • Dynamics on moduli space Mg
Main Course Notes Suggested Texts Hardware requirements. Students will be required to have iPads or similar devices to facilitate online collaboration and to participate in online discussions.

Prerequisites. Intended for advanced graduate students. Familiarity with measure theory, functional analysis, Lie groups, and hyperbolic geometry in dimension 2 and 3 will be useful, but relevant material will be reviewed in class. Background material on some of these topics will be covered in section, and can also be found in the suggested texts and the course notes.

Readings and Lectures. Assigned material should be read before class. Lectures may go beyond the reading, and not every topic in the reading will be covered in class.

Homework. Collaboration is encouraged on homework. Late homework is not accepted, but the lowest homework grade will be dropped.

Slack. This class has a Slack channel. Please participate!

Expectations. Enrolled students should attend lectures regularly and work on the homework assignments, which are an important part of the course. Students should share their video Zoom lectures whenever possible.

Grades. Letter grades, for those requiring them, will be based on homework and perhaps 1-2 additional assigments.

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