Rigidity and Flexibility in Dynamics
Math 275 - MWF 10-11 pm - 232 SC
Harvard University - Fall 2006
Curtis T McMullen
Suggested Texts
J. Milnor,
Dynamics in One Complex Variable ,
Third Edition. Princeton University Press, 2006.
Benedetti and Petronio,
Lectures on Hyperbolic Geometry,
Springer-Verlag, 1992.
M. B. Bekka and M. Mayer,
Ergodic theory and topological dynamics of group actions on homogeneous spaces,
Cambridge University Press, 2000.
S. Tabachnikov,
Billiards ,
Soc. Math. France, 1995
W. Parry and M. Pollicott,
Zeta Functions and the Periodic Orbit Structure
of Hyperbolic Dynamics,
Astérisque 187--188, Soc. Math. France 1990.
Other useful references
Intended for advanced graduate students.
A survey of methods, results and open problems in
complex dynamics, hyperbolic geometry, and the ergodic
theory of Lie groups. Topics may include:
- Mostow rigidity
- Iterated rational maps
- Hausdorff dimension and the thermodynamic formalism
- Flows on homogeneous spaces
- Rational maps with given combinatorics
- Curves in moduli spce
- Billiards
- Dynamics on algebraic surfaces
- Lattices in Rn
- Higher rank actions
Enrolled students should attend the course regularly.
Those taking the course for a grade will be asked to hand in
18 Sept (M) | First class |
9 Oct (M) | Columbus day -- no class |
10 Nov (F) | Veteran's day -- no class |
24 Nov (F) | Thanksgiving -- no class |
18 Dec (M) | Last class |
2 Jan (Tu) | Reading period begins |
12 Jan (F) | Exams begin |