Advanced Complex Analysis
Math 213b / 10-11:30 Th Th / Science Center 507
Harvard University - Spring 2007
Curtis T McMullen
Required Texts
- Forster,
Lectures on Riemann Surfaces,
Springer-Verlag, 1981
- Buser,
Geometry and Spectra of Compact Riemann Surfaces,
Birkhauser, 1992
Additional references
- Griffiths and Harris,
Principles of Algebraic Geometry,
Wiley Interscience, 1978
- Farkas and Kra,
Riemann Surfaces,
Intended for graduate students.
Prerequesites include algebraic topology, complex analysis
and differential geometry on manifolds.
This course will cover fundamentals of the theory of
compact Riemann surfaces from an analytic and
topological perspective.
Topics may include:
- Algebraic functions and branched coverings of P1
- Sheaves and analytic continuation
- Curves in projective space; resultants
- Holomorphic differentials
- Sheaf cohomology
- Line bundles and projective embeddings; canonical curves
- Riemann-Roch and Serre duality via distributions
- Jacobian variety
Reading and Lectures.
Students are responsible for all topics covered in
the readings and lectures. Lectures may go beyond the
reading, and not every topic in the reading will be
covered in class.
Graduate students who have passed their
quals are excused from a grade for this course.
Grades for other students will be based on homework.
Homework will be assigned every few weeks.
Collaboration between students is encouraged, but you
must write your own solutions, understand them and
give credit to your collaborators.
1 Feb (Th) | First class |
26-30 Mar (M-F) | Spring recess |
3 May (Th) | Last class |