Complex Analysis
Math 213a / Tu Th 10-11:30 / Science Center 507
Harvard University - Fall 2000
Curtis T McMullen
Course Assistant:
Required Texts
- Ahlfors,
Conformal Invariants.
McGraw-Hill, 1973. (Photocopy)
- Nehari,
Conformal Mapping.
Dover, 1975.
- Remmert,
Classical Topics in Complex Function Theory.
Springer-Verlag, 1998.
Supplementary Text
- Ahlfors,
Complex Analysis.
McGraw-Hill, 3rd Edition.
Intended for graduate students.
Prerequesites include differential forms,
topology of covering spaces and a first course in complex analysis.
This course will begin with a rapid, rigorous revisitation of
basic complex analysis, followed by more advanced topics.
Possible topics include:
Basic complex analysis
Differential forms, holomorphic functions.
Distributions, the d-bar equation.
Cauchy's theorem, power series, residue calculus,
definite integrals, argument principle.
Maximum principle; Hadamard's 3-circles theorem
Mobius transformations
Rational maps
Automorphism groups of the disk, plane and sphere.
Schwarz lemma
Normal families
Entire and meromorphic functions
Trigonometric functions
Gamma function
Partition function
Zeta function
Weierstrass products
Mittag-Leffler theorem
Conformal Mappings
Riemann mapping theorem
The area theorem; compactness
Schwarz-Christoffel formula
Local connectivity and boundary values
Doubly-connected regions
Bloch's theorem
Elliptic Functions
Weierstrass p-function
Theta functions
Modular function
Picard theorem
Universal cover of plane regions
Geometric function theory
Harmonic measure
Extremal length
Quasiconformal Maps
Reading and Lectures.
Students are responsible for all topics covered in
the readings and lectures. Lectures may go beyond the
reading, and not every topic in the reading will be
covered in class.
Graduate students who have passed their
quals are excused from a grade for this course.
Grades for other students will be based on homework.
Homework will be assigned every week.
Late homework will not be accepted.
Collaboration between students is encouraged, but you
must write your own solutions, understand them and
give credit to your collaborators.
19 Sept (Tu) | First class |
9 Oct (M) | Columbus day -- no class |
10 Nov (F) | Veteran's day -- no class |
23 Nov (Th) | Thanksgiving -- no class |
19 Dec (Tu) | Last class |
2 Jan (Tu) | Reading period begins |
13 Jan (Sat) | Exams begin |