Advanced Real Analysis
Math 212a / 10:30-11:45 Tu Th / Science Center room 507
Harvard University - Fall 2019
Curtis T McMullen
Required Texts
- Rudin,
Functional Analysis, 2nd ed.
McGraw-Hill, 1991
Recommended Texts
- Berberian,
Lectures on Functional Analysis.
Springer-Verlag, 1974
- Reed and Simon,
Functional Analysis I.
Academic Press, 1980.
- Riesz-Nagy,
Functional Analysis.
Dover reprint, 1990.
Related Literature
- Stein,
Singular Integrals and Differentiability
Properties of Functions.
Princeton University Press, 1970.
- de la Harpe et Valette,
La Propriété (T) de Kazhdan pour les
Groupes Localement Compacts.
Astérisque 175, 1989;
distributed by the American Mathematical Society.
Directed to graduate students. Math 113 and 114 are prerequisites.
This includes complex function theory,
Lebesgue measure and integral, general topology,
and the theory of linear operators between Banach spaces.
This course will present several topics,
from elliptic partial differential equations
to ergodic theory,
with spectral theory and unitary representations as
an underlying theme. Possible topics include:
- Distributions and Fourier Analysis
Test functions, convolutions
Distributions and duality
Fourier transform and Sobolev spaces
Singular integral operators
Elliptic equations
Prime number theorem
- Operator algebras
Banach algebras and C* algebras
The Gelfand representation
Functional calculus
Positive operators
Self-adjoint operators
Unitary operators and representations
Ergodic theory, Property T, expanding graphs,
and further topics
Collaboration is encouraged on homework.
Late homework is not accepted, but the lowest homework grade
will be dropped.
Graduate students who have passed their quals are excused from a grade for this course.
Grades for other students will be based on homework.
Classroom policies.
Please do not use cellphones, laptops or keyboards in class and do not record the lectures.
The use of tablet computers with a stylus for note-taking is permissible.