Real AnalysisMath 112 - Harvard University - Spring 2002 MWF 12:00-1:00, Science Center 507 Required Text: Marsden and Hoffman, Elementary Classical Analysis, 2nd edition, Freeman, 1993. Click here for a list of corrections to the text. For more about learning to write mathematical proofs, see: Daniel Solow, How to Read and Do Proofs. Prerequisites: Multivariable calculus (Math 21a,b or 23a,b) and the ability to write proofs (or concurrent enrollment in Math 102). Not to be taken in addition to Math 25a,b or 55a,b. This course is not offered pass/fail. Topics. This course will cover the rigorous foundations of analysis and calculus. Topics may include:
Grades. Grades will be based on homework and quizzes (40%), the midterm (20%) and the final (40%). Homework. Homework will be assigned every week. Late homework will not be accepted. Collaboration between students is encouraged, but you must write your own solutions, understand them and give credit to your collaborators. Calendar.