Sets, Maps and Symmetry Groups: Sections, Office Hours

Math 101 - Harvard University - Fall 1998

Prof. Curtis T McMullen
523 Science Center
Office Hours: Monday 2:00-3:00, Thursday 12:00-1:00
Phone: 495-0396
Email: (

Grace Lyo (Course Assistant)
Section: Monday, 2pm, Room 411 SC
Office Hours: Thursday, 8pm, Greenhouse Cafe
Phone: 493-6617
Email: (

Margaret Taub (Course Assistant)
Section: Tuesday, 3pm, room 310
Office Hours: Thursday, 2:30-3:30pm, SC 4th floor lounge
Phone: 493-3340
Email: (

Lauren Williams (Course Assistant)
Section: Wednesday, 7pm, room 103B
Office Hours: Wednesday, 8pm, Greenhouse Cafe
Phone: 493-6234
Email: (

Students can attend sections and office hours of any CA.
CA sections and office hours are 60 minutes long.

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