Hyperbolic manifolds, discrete
groups and ergodic theory
Math 277 - Berkeley - Fall 1996
C. McMullen
Tenative Course Description
April 1996
Web page:
Intended for advanced graduate students.
Acquaintence with hyperbolic geometry, Lie groups,
representation theory and functional analysis
will be useful.
Course description.
We will discuss discrete groups
and ergodic theory from many points of view,
especially in relation to hyperbolic manifolds
of dimensions 2 and 3.
Some possible topics include:
Ergodicity and mixing
Irrational rotations and the ergodic theorem
Entropy and shifts
Geometry of hyperbolic manifolds
The geodesic and horocycle flows on
hyperbolic manifolds
The Howe-Moore theorem and the geodesic flow
Ratner's theorem and the horocycle flow
Orbit counting and equidistribution
Amenability, expansion and the Laplacian
The spectrum of the Laplacian,
The Selberg trace formula
The problem of isospectral manifolds
Poincaré's -operator
Kazhdan's Property T
Expanding graphs
Invariant measures
Hyperbolic manifolds: flexibility and rigidity
Patterson-Sullivan measure
Hausdorff dimension of limit sets
Convex cocompact groups
Mostow rigidity
Teichmüller theory injects into ergodic
The Ahlfors measure zero conjecture
Sullivan's no invariant line field theorem
Dimension 2 for geometrically infinite groups
The Connes-Sullivan quantum integral
Required texts:
Very useful but out-of-print:
Thurston's notes [Th1]
[Th2] may also be of
interest. These notes can be ordered from MSRI
(Nancy Shaw, 1-510-642-0143;
Additional references.
The following references may be useful:
C. T. McMullen
Sun Jun 23 10:21:08 PDT 1996