Workshop on Homological Mirror Symmetry and Related Topics
January 18-23, 2010, University of Miami
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Notes from the talks
these notes are provided as is, and have not been proofread.
A. Neitzke - 25-01-11 - A construction of hyperkahler metrics and applications to the Hitchin system I
A. Neitzke - 26-01-11 - A construction of hyperkahler metrics and applications to the Hitchin system II
A. Neitzke - 27-01-11 - A construction of hyperkahler metrics and applications to the Hitchin system III
B. Siebert - 27-01-11 - Logarithmic GW invariants
D. Orlov - 29-01-11 - D-branes in LG-models, matrix factorizations, and triangulated categories of singularities
D. Treumann - 28-01-11 - Plumbings, constructible sheaves and HMS
J. Pascaleff - 25-01-11 - Floer cohomology in the mirror of CP2 relative to a conic and a line
M. Abouzaid - 29-01-11 - A plethora of exotic Stein manifolds
M. Ballard - 29-01-11 - Orlov spectra
M. Gross - 24-01-11 - Theta functions for K3 surfaces and tropical Morse trees I
M. Gross - 26-01-11 - Theta functions for K3 surfaces and tropical Morse trees II
M. Kontsevich - 25-01-11 - Classical and quantum integrable systems I
M. Kontsevich - 27-01-11 - Classical and quantum integrable systems II
M. Kontsevich - 28-01-11 - Classical and quantum integrable systems III
N.C. Leung - 27-01-11 - SYZ mirror symmetry I
N.C. Leung - 28-01-11 - SYZ mirror symmetry II
N. Sheridan - 26-01-11 - HMS for pairs of pants.pdf
P. Schapira - 24-01-11 - Microlocal theory of sheaves and non-displaceability I
P. Schapira - 25-01-11 - Microlocal theory of sheaves and non-displaceability II
T. Kragh - 28-01-11 - Nearby Lagrangians with arbitrary Maslov class
T. Pantev - 24-01-11 - Mirror symmetry and mixed Hodge structures
Y. Soibelman - 24-01-11 - Complex integrable systems, wall-crossing and CY categories
Y. Soibelman - 24-01-11 - Complex integrable systems, wall-crossing and CY categories (alternative version)