Workshop on Homological Mirror Symmetry and Related Topics
January 18-23, 2010, University of Miami
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Notes from the talks
these notes are provided as is, and have not been proofread.
M. Abouzaid - 21-01-10 - A functorial point of view on HMS
M. Abouzaid - 22-01-10 - Generating Fukaya categories
M. Abouzaid - 23-01-10 - Floer homology and string topology
M. Kontsevich - 20-01-10 - Singular Lagrangian branes
M. Kontsevich - 21-01-10 - Mixed non-commutative motives
M. Kontsevich - 22-01-10 - Refined cohomological Hall algebra and topology of holomorphic CS functional
B. Toen - 18-01-10 - Saturated dg-categories I
B. Toen - 19-01-10 - Saturated dg-categories II
B. Toen - 20-01-10 - Saturated dg-categories III
S. Barannikov - 21-01-10 - Developments in the noncommutative BV formalism
J. Block - 19-01-10 - TBA
T. Dyckerhoff - 23-01-10 - Isolated hypersurface singularities as noncommutative spaces
D. Favero - 21-01-10 - The dimension spectrum of a triangulated category
K. Fukaya - 22-01-10 - Cyclic symmetry and numerical invariants in Lagrangian Floer theory
V. Ginzburg - 18-01-10 - Gerstenhaber-BV structures on coisotropic intersections
K. Hori - 18-01-10 - Mirror symmetry and reality
D. Kaledin - 18-01-10 - 2-algebras as factorization algebras
B. Keller - 22-01-10 - The periodicity conjecture via Calabi-Yau categories
A. Kuznetsov - 22-01-10 - Hochschild homology and cohomology of admissible subcategories
V. Lunts - 19-01-10 - Uniqueness of enhancement for triangulated categories I
D. Orlov - 19-01-10 - Uniqueness of enhancement for triangulated categories II
G. Mikhalkin - 23-01-10 - (p,q) homology classes in tropical geometry
Y. Soibelman - 20-01-10 - Cohomological Hall algebra