Workshop on Homological Mirror Symmetry and Related Topics
January 19-24, 2009, University of Miami
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Notes from the talks
these notes are provided as is, and have not been proofread.
A. Efimov - 24-01-09 - Noncommutative Grassmannians
A. Kuznetsov - 19-01-09 - Fractional Calabi-Yau categories
A. Takahashi - 23-01-09 - HMS for isolated hypersurface singularities
D. Auroux - 19-01-09 - Special Lagrangian fibrations and mirror symmetry I
D. Auroux - 22-01-09 - Special Lagrangian fibrations and mirror symmetry II
D. Auroux - 24-01-09 - Special Lagrangian fibrations and mirror symmetry III
Discussion session - 19-01-09
Discussion session - 22-01-09 - Addendum (Fukaya)
Discussion session - 22-01-09
H. Nakajima - 20-01-09 - Instanton counting and wall-crossing in Donaldson invariants I
H. Nakajima - 21-01-09 - Instanton counting and wall-crossing in Donaldson invariants II
H. Nakajima - 23-01-09 - Instanton counting and wall-crossing in Donaldson invariants III
I. Zharkov - 24-01-09 - Geometry of numbers and tropical curves
K. Fukaya - 19-01-09 - Mirror symmetry for toric manifolds
M. Abouzaid - 23-01-09 - Homological mirror symmetry for T^4
M. Kontsevich - 20-01-09 - Geometric and algebraic aspects of wall-crossing I
M. Kontsevich - 22-01-09 - Geometric and algebraic aspects of wall-crossing II
M. Kontsevich - 23-01-09 - Geometric and algebraic aspects of wall-crossing III
P. Seidel - 20-01-09 - HMS for the genus 2 curve
P. Seidel - 20-01-09 - HMS for the genus 2 curve - Slides
R. Pandharipande - 21-01-09 - The tropical vertex group
R. Thomas - 19-01-09 - Curve counting and derived categories I
R. Thomas - 21-01-09 - Curve counting and derived categories II
R. Thomas - 22-01-09 - Curve counting and derived categories III
S. Cautis - 20-01-09 - Equivalences from geometric sl_2 actions
T. Pantev - 22-01-09 - Geometric Langlands and non-abelian Hodge theory
Y. Ruan - 20-01-09 - Integrable hierarchies and singularity theory
Y. Soibelman - 23-01-09 - DT invariants, quivers and cluster transformations