Math 290 - Seminar on Mirror Symmetry - Spring 2011
D. Auroux -
Thu., 5-6:30pm, Room 891 Evans
What's happening
- 1/20: Introduction: the SYZ and HMS conjectures (D. Auroux)
- 1/27: no meeting
- 2/3: Lagrangian Floer homology (R. Vianna)
- 2/10: Product structure on Floer homology; twisted
coefficients (R. Vianna)
- 2/17: Special Lagrangians and their deformation theory;
affine structure on the moduli space (Z. Sylvan)
- 2/24: The complexified moduli space of special Lagrangians
(uncorrected SYZ mirror); example: T^2 (Z. Sylvan)
- 3/3: Homological mirror symmetry: the example of T^2 (after
Polishchuk-Zaslow) (D. Pomerleano)
- 3/10: Holomorphic discs and obstruction in Floer theory (V. Gripp)
- 3/17: Obstruction in Floer theory continued: the example of S^2
(V. Gripp)
- 3/31: The mirror of CP^1 (K. Lin)
- 4/7: SYZ for toric Fano manifolds (D. Auroux)
- 4/14: no meeting
- 4/21: A nontoric example: SYZ with corrections (K. Choi)
- 4/28: Introduction to Fukaya-Seidel categories (D. Auroux)
This seminar will present various geometric aspects of mirror symmetry.
The main focus will be on the Strominger-Yau-Zaslow (SYZ) conjecture,
according to which mirror symmetry is a duality between Lagrangian torus
fibrations, and on Kontsevich's homological mirror symmetry
(HMS), which predicts an equivalence between the Fukaya category of a
symplectic manifold and the derived category of coherent sheaves of its
Main topics:
- Introduction: statement of the SYZ and HMS conjectures.
- (Special) Lagrangian torus fibrations and their geometry;
moduli spaces of special Lagrangians and "uncorrected" SYZ
mirror symmetry.
- Lagrangian Floer homology and the Fukaya category; HMS for the
elliptic curve.
- Holomorphic discs and obstruction; the example of P^1.
- Landau-Ginzburg models, superpotentials.
- Mirror symmetry for toric Fano varieties.
- Wall-crossing and instanton corrections: a simple non-toric example.
- Corrected SYZ mirror symmetry; HMS for pairs.
- If time allows: mirror symmetry for pairs of pants and higher
genus curves (SYZ and HMS).
Prerequisites: some prior knowledge of symplectic and complex
geometry will be helpful.
The (handwritten) notes from my Fall '09 topics course
will come in handy (especially the second half of the course). Other
- R. P. Thomas, The geometry of mirror symmetry,
Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, Elsevier, 2006,
pp. 439-448;
- A. Polishchuk, E. Zaslow, Categorical mirror symmetry: the elliptic
curve, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 2 (1998), 443-470;
- C. H. Cho, Y. G. Oh, Floer cohomology and disc instantons of
Lagrangian torus fibers in Fano toric manifolds, Asian J. Math.
10 (2006), 773-814;
- D. Auroux, Mirror symmetry and T-duality in the complement of an
anticanonical divisor,
J. Gökova Geom. Topol. 1 (2007), 51-91;
- D. Auroux, Special Lagrangian fibrations, wall-crossing, and mirror symmetry,
Surveys in Differential Geometry 13 (2009), 1-47;
- M. Gross, D. Huybrechts, D. Joyce, Calabi-Yau manifolds and related
geometries, Lectures from the Summer School held in Nordfjordeid, June
2001, Universitext, Springer, 2003.